Look how cute this little guy is!! The pleasant smile on his face, and that twinkle in his eye....He spoke to me this morning. He said, "PLEASE eat me! HELP ME fulfill my destiny!! I must be consumed!!" Last night we had family home evening and Lexi made brownies
for the refreshment. Not just any brownies but she added chocolate chips and carmel bits. Oh man! This must be like an alcoholic going to a bar and not drinking. You will be happy to know that I didn't give in to the evil little devil (foods cake maybe) but it was sure a temptation
!! This is the first time I have had any desire for the sugary goodness that makes and keeps me a pleasantly plump, (no fat) jolly ol elf since the beginning of the new diet and it was SO HARD to resist!! It is still sitting up there on my stove
and I am hiding in the basement avoiding the taunting. LOL!! I can do it! I know I can! I feel 10 ft tall for denying myself and 2inches tall for feeling the desire to eat it so strong. Its going to be a great day and I will prevail! Do you have cravings? How do you resist them? Also my friends, don't be shy!! Become a follower so I know you are there!! I love that all ya all stop by! Tell all your friends too! IF I get to 25 followers I will have a great give away!!
Kind of like the scene in Young Sherlock Holmes, where young Watson is halucinating about the pastry shop huh? Sorry lover. I know it is harder on you there since the house is filled with "normal" food for the rest of the family; and I have the advantage of not being where food is 90% of my day. I know you can do it. I love you. Loving Hubby