Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Talk about it Tuesday-What do you do?

I need some ideas! My exercise is faltering.  What do all ya all do everyday? What do you love to do? What really works? I'm bored.  I need something exciting.  HELP!!


  1. Here's the routine I follow whenever possible:
    Hand exercise - unwrap and unfold bag of popcorn. Stretches - reach into microwave and deposit bag of popcorn. Maybe do some trunk twists and shift my weight from one foot to the other as I wait the 2 minutes for it to pop. Light weight reps - lift 3-5 kernels of popped corn to my mouth; repeat until exhausted or out of popcorn.
    :) Hope you have fun trying them! I love you baby! Loving Hubby

  2. I just bought a jump rope. It kicks my butt in like 15 minutes and I am done.
